Monday 22 November 2010

...... Evidence of shooting ....

Evidence of shooting

We have started filming the video of crystal Blaque and the planning and work that we previously done it all coming in handy now. The time and effort we have spend into drawing the story boards it makes the timing and organisation of this video so much easier.
We have taken some pictures of evidence of our filming.

This was one of our crane shots that we used. This piece of equipment is very expensive as only professionals use this.

the dark background highlights the importantance of the subject in the spot light.

One of our advance editors jigar fixing and improving the shoots that we previously taken.

This was one example of our long shot of one of the members of the group.

This is jigar in the music studio filming the 1st part of the instrumental.

Jigar is fixing of the the cannon cameras that we used to film the first part of the sequence. this was filmed in the music studio in a sound proof padded room.

we also used a portable green screen to allow us to put different backgrounds on different settings.


we have to get the correct white balance in the shot to get all the colours right. If we get the white balance wrong the camera will pick up different colours and it might start showing different colours on the screen.

Friday 12 November 2010

Add caption

..... The chagnges the group have made ....

What changes has the crystal group made?

Crystal black has many changes in the choreographing of their video. I have felt that this production group of mines have made them think more deeply about their actual music career. They first made a original track which the quality wasn’t so good because of the levels but I have found that they are all very willing and open to criticism when necessary.  

Friday 22 October 2010

The look

Costume – We will create a sexy and high status look to show that the women in the music video are superior to men. We are going to create a sexy and stylish look to also show that they are strong and independent woman. We will challenge the conventions of the normality of music videos by not dressings the girls in revealing clothes, instead we are going to dress them sexy but classy. Going against the stereotypes that women are seen as sexual objects in music videos.
Props – we will be using many props to help us create and visualise the ideas that we have.
·         Stage lighting – will help is brightens up and enhances the subjects,
·         Microphones – to go with the sexy look and for artists to mime the songs
·         Music instruments to create the montage of shots
(Drums, violins, piano and electric guitars)
Lighting – We are going to use Spotlights, Stage lights, Fillers (to get rid of shadows), different gels etc. We are going to use this type of lighting as it is creating the type of effects we want (fast, energetic)
Colour scheme – We are going to be using various different colour schemes according to the mood and the genre of this music production. Such colours are Black, Red, Blue, and White etc. However we will choose a set number of colours so the music video don’t look too much and over the top. We can’t use dull and boring colours as the tempo of the song is fast and the music video is very lively and energetic, so the dull colour scheme may just contradict the music video.
Camera style – We are going to use various shots and camera movements within the music video to produce a better quality and interesting video.  Such shots will include mid-close ups, long shots, crane shots etc. Camera movement we are going to be using is pan, dolly, crab etc. The reason we are going to use these types of camera styles is because it allows us more variety of shots from different angles creating a more varied and packed music video to go along with the style and tempo of the soundtrack.
Editing style- The chosen allocated editor of the production will be dealing with the editing and other advanced aspects of this production. We will be using “Final Cut Pro” on the Apple Mac computer to put these clips together. With access to this high advanced technology we are able to put advanced editing that ordinary general computers will not be able to do. Such editing styles will include Swipe, Cut, Fade, Dissolve etc.
Special FX- will be used though out this production. We have been looking at many effects on the computers and the cannons camera that we will be using. Through the special effects we have been able to create certain images and movement that we cannot create realistically. We have added an idea of creating word and other visual images to keep the viewers interested.will be used in a though out this production. We have been thought many effects on the computers and even on the cannons camera that we use. Through the special effects we have been able to create certain images and movement that we cannot create realistically. We have added an idea of creating word and other visual images to keep the viewers interested.
will be used in a though out this production. We have been thought many effects on the computers and even on the cannons camera that we use. Through the special effects we have been able to create certain images and movement that we cannot create realistically. We have added an idea of creating word and other visual images to keep the viewers interested.
will be used in a though out this production. We have been thought many effects on the computers and even on the cannons camera that we use. Through the special effects we have been able to create certain images and movement that we cannot create realistically. We have added an idea of creating word and other visual images to keep the viewers interested.
will be used in a though out this production. We have been thought many effects on the computers and even on the cannons camera that we use. Through the special effects we have been able to create certain images and movement that we cannot create realistically. We have added an idea of creating word and other visual images to keep the viewers interested.
will be used in a though out this production. We have been thought many effects on the computers and even on the cannons camera that we use. Through the special effects we have been able to create certain images and movement that we cannot create realistically. We have added an idea of creating word and other visual images to keep the viewers interested.

Performances – During the Chorus of the music video we are going to have the members of the band do a dance routine to go with the lyrics of the song. The directors are going to help choreograph the dance. The band will be able to achieve this with no difficulties as they are doing performing arts at college and so dance is involved within their course. During each of the individual verses we are going to have the answer singing and “playing” up to the camera. 
Kinetics – The four types of kinetics we are going use are the edits, screen effects, the band members when dancing and camera movement.

.... Crystal blaque - storyboard ...

Friday 15 October 2010

..... Casting and extras in the video ...

Casting and extras in the video

We also need to consider other people that we will be using in the video. We have decided that we will not be using others in the making of this video because it will cause distraction and other hassles that would not be needed in this video.
The location of this video has allowed us to control all of the settings and also it has allowed us to manipulate the settings. This means we can control the lighting, setting, people, and other factors that might hinder their success. 

Monday 11 October 2010

.... Marketing Aims .....

                     Marketing Aims

Target Consumer- Getting the right target market is very important because it helps increase the general sales of the product.  Our target audience is young girls from the ages of 14-25.  We have chosen this target market because the lyrics of the song associate and relate to young girls and also issues that relate to their lives.  Our target audience should most likely be interested in the R&B/POP genre and the general urban scene. We have chosen this target market because the producers and directors have decided that this target market is the most significant as it will help to increase sales due to the fact that this age group is surrounded my music and its merchandise.
Unique Selling Point- our product is very different to other products in the market as our artists are similar to the artists that we target due to their age group. Therefore having a positive impact on the target audience due to the fact they are able to create products that they know their market will relate to.
Attention/awareness- putting the video on YouTube will result in a large number of views due to the free promotion. This also allows us to track the views and popularity. We are also going to create an advert to put into a magazine.
Interests- Our target market will be interested in buying our product because the song is catchy and the lyrics relate to their life situations. E.g. relationships and broken hearts. We grab the audience’s attention from the beginning of the music video by having a catchy instrumental
Desire- our target market will purchase our items because we are going to start of selling the items at a cheap and affordable price creating popularity and awareness of our product. After it gains popularity we are then going to increase the price. The fact that the artists are also from the same age group as the target market it will create a bond between artist and audience.
Action-  The action that we are going to take to this marketing product will be very different compared to other products on the market. Many free promotions will be used to get the exposure that Crystal black need. So we will invest into free promotional CD’s with a quick preview of the track we are selling. We have also organised for TV companies to interview the group on popular TV companies to also achieve maximum exposure.
Product- we will sell and market our product in many different ways, we will use the internet to free promote our product. We will also use other promotional websites such as Facebook, twitter, MySpace etc. We will be using website like YouTube will also give a visual insight of what the band is offering. We will be marketing a CD at this stage.  We are going to cross integrate into different markets for example products will be merchandised as a CD Cover, CD, Posters, MP3 tracks, T-shirts etc.
Price- we will be selling this single through many sores and music distribution thought out the country. This will help to mass expose our single and it will also help to get recornision from other artists. We will be selling this single on itunes (a well known music distributor)  for £3.99 , I have come up with this price from doing research on other music singles of the same genre.  We have many future projects for crystal Blaque including a 14 track album which with be produced and marketed in the later stages in 2012.
Place- Our product will be sold through many different organisations and businesses such as HMV, other music stores and supermarkets such as ASDA, Tesco, Sainsbury’s etc. We will also distribute it through online shopping websites such as Amazon, iTunes etc.
Promotion- We are going to promote our products through adverts and other sources of media. This will help to mass expose our product. We will also use social networks to help promote it as the target audience that use these sites are in the same field as those that will consume our CD.

Friday 8 October 2010

.... what needs to happen now ....

...... What is a treatment? .....

In order to know how we are going to film this music video we need to write up a treatment to give clear instructions to the director, producer, editor and the other production managers of this project. This will give simple but accurate instructions into the vision of the director.
We will construct this line by line and also give camera shots and other detail to send the producers to construct the vision.

Thursday 23 September 2010

.... Addictive - crystal blaque .....

ADDICTION - Crystal blaque

.Verse 1

Gone so cold
Feelin that you neva knew before
When u need your fix
You loose control
I should know
See I am on a mission to steal your soul I'm your addiction
Knees gone weak
Instant reaction when you hear me speak
Your pulse is racing coz your wanting me, constantly
See I am on a mission to steal your soul I'm your addiction


One touch I got u forever
Narcotic make you feel better
Aint no distractions
I got you hooked on me
I think its come to the time
Your gonna loose your mind
Coz your be slavin for me that your cravin an boy it aint easy

.Verse 2

Seeking, what you've been waiting for me now you got some more
Of me, feeling inside trna control the right that you are
Taking, I've got what you need
I can feel your heart beating
Calling out you want me want me
Aint no, denyin I put you on a high
No chance, I'm comin down you are mine tonight
I know, you want me for life
Desperation start pleedin callin out you want me want me



What it is that I have got
That leaves you delirious yearning for my touch
Flirtatious tensions got you thinking bout me desperate for my love
Dreaming bout me in your sleep
Like a drug your addicted to me
I've got you waiting an lusting
Until I cum back coz all I takes is one touch

Monday 20 September 2010

.... Comparing the market research (sugababes) ....

Sugababes are an English pop girl group based in London, consisting of members Heidi Range, Amelle Berrabah and Jade Ewen. The Guinness Book of World Records have named the Sugababes as the most successful female act of the 21st century[1] with six UK number one singles and eighteen UK top-ten hits.[2]
Sugababes were formed in 1998 by founding members Siobhán Donaghy, Mutya Buena and Keisha Buchanan. In 2001, after just one album and some initial success, Donaghy departed and the introduction of Range in the same year was met with the commercial success. The group survived a second line-up change in December 2005, when Buena left the band and was subsequently replaced by Berrabah. In September 2009, it was confirmed that after eleven years in the band, Buchanan was no longer part of the group and had been replaced by Ewen.

Friday 17 September 2010

..... My views & visions for Crystal Blaque .....

My views & visions for crystal Blaque

As you have previously read that Crystal blaque is an new up and coming urban girls group from  North west London.  I have chosen to use this group because I strongly feel that they have potential to move forward in this music industry. With the right promotion and marketing tools they could be very successful.
From listening to the track I have found that the song they have used was very relevant to the target market and young ladies similar to their age. From the lyrics to this song their music video is going to be very ‘up beat’ and exciting compared to the song. 

As I have previously posted information and research about a former girl group ‘girls allowed’ they have given in inspiration and ideas on how I want my video to be. Their conventions have inspired me from the first shot to the last. The opening shot from the girls allowed video was very interesting because it first establishes the setting and also it establishes the group, because they are all standing together in a equal line. 
this is a screen shot from the one of the girls allowed videos called sound of the underground

We also know that they are in a group because they are all wearing the same colours (pink & black) this shows that they equal and that one person doesn’t have a leadership or higher role than another. 

What equipment do I want to use in my video?

I want to stick with the typical conventions of the music video but I also want to challenge it in some ways. I am going to stick to the conventions by keeping the typical fan’s and hair blowing on the microphone.  

I also want the special ‘sello-et’ lighting and the artist to be standing in front of the light to give the special effects.

I also want the artists to be wearing the same colours in some of the shots to keep the conventions of a female music video.

I also want shots of a light bulb either flashing or moving around in the background to give a greater effect or shadows in the video. 

If it is possible for the group for do a little dancing inside the video it would also help the group and it will entertain the fans to copy the dance moves.

... Analysing music videos (girls aloud) ...

Girls Aloud are a girl group that were created through the ITV1 talent show Popstars: The Rivals in 2002. The group consists of Nadine Coyle, Cheryl Cole, Sarah Harding, Nicola Roberts and Kimberley Walsh. Following the success of their debut single "Sound of the Underground", which spent four weeks at number one, the group has achieved a string of twenty consecutive top ten singles (including four number ones) and two number one albums in the United Kingdom. All of their albums have been certified platinum, with their greatest hits album The Sound of Girls Aloud selling over one million copies. They have been nominated for five BRIT Awards, winning Best Single in 2009 for "The Promise".
Girls Aloud's collaborations with Brian Higgins and his songwriting and production team Xenomania have earned the group critical acclaim, due to an innovative approach to mainstream pop music. The group has become one of the few UK reality television acts to achieve continued success, amassing a fortune of £30 million by May 2010. Guinness World Records lists them as "Most Successful Reality TV Group" in the 2007 edition. They also hold the record for "Most Consecutive Top Ten Entries in the UK by a Female Group" in the 2008 edition.

Thursday 16 September 2010

.... About CRYSTAL BLAQUE! .......

when interviewing this new and up coming girl group, I Tarric Lewis Lewis have got a step closer into this trio group called crystal blaque .

Crystal blaque are a new 2010 girl band

Crytstal black started off many years when they were all quite young. They formed a friendship through primary school stages as this continued through high school. As their friendship grew deeper they began to realise their strengths and weaknesses within their friendship and they later discovered that they all had strong vocal abilities.

They then began to sing together through school practicing their favourite songs during brake times as a form on general entertainment. As the school the final school year ended there an end of year talent show for the up and coming leavers. The group entered not realising how strong their vocals abilities were. As the group practiced and practised day in and day out they personalised their songs and making music into their own styles.

As they sang in the talent show they sang their hearts out to impress the people. After their performance the crowd applauded and cheered their group name crystal blaque.  

From this experience they formed this group and have grown in the music industry.

ago age and only is now getting discorved by the market.
 General characteristics of this group would include their stage performance when they are performing and ect. It was also important how they all stick to relationship within the group so this has now brought unity and together ness with in the group.

This fantastic song had many hidden messages behind it, with the influences of pop, soul and R&B they bring a unique sound this to this market. This group consist of members which all have powerful voices.

Interviewing crystal blaque (the set of questions)

What’s the name of your band? What’s the origin of that name? Have
you changed the band’s name before?

*Please list the name, age, school, and respective instrument of each
band member.

*What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your
major influences?

*How long have you all known each other? How did you meet?
*When did you form your band? What inspired you to make music

*Do you have a record label? Are you a member of any music

*What can you tell me about your instruments? (i.e., Are you subject to
brand loyalty or will you play with whatever’s available? What made you
choose the instruments you have now? Was it cost or was it a
style/model/brand/color preference?

Friday 10 September 2010

....Roles! ...

My group consist of a producer, director, editor, photographer, production designer and camera operators.  We have all decided on fair allocations and roles in who operates what in this project, each of us have been professional trained by our lecturer on how to safely and correctly operate these skilled equipment.
Nastsha, jigar and i have been fully committed into the work and responsibility that each of these roles carry. We have all been fairly assigned to our specific roles. 

My specific roles consist of:


  • ·         directs the action for the  whole movie
  • ·          total control outside administration
  • ·         tells the actors what to do
  • ·         ensures the sets are right,
  • ·         establishes the camera angles
  • ·         controls the lighting
  • ·         sees the movie in the "big picture" 

Camera operator:

    • shotting the image to record every event
    •  telling the story 
    • putting the ideas into images 
    • using, adjusting and operating all of the equipment
    • setting the focus  


  • can record events using pictures
  • use pictures to track progress 

.....Introduction to our project! .....

.... Mr.Magiic ....

Hello I am Tarric Lewis and I am an A2 media students which is based at Stanmore college, this project is the creation of a music video which my team
(Natasha Mack and Jigar Carsandas)
 and I will successfully construct.

We have decided on a R&B genera with a young unsigned artist called Jordina miller.