Friday 17 September 2010

..... My views & visions for Crystal Blaque .....

My views & visions for crystal Blaque

As you have previously read that Crystal blaque is an new up and coming urban girls group from  North west London.  I have chosen to use this group because I strongly feel that they have potential to move forward in this music industry. With the right promotion and marketing tools they could be very successful.
From listening to the track I have found that the song they have used was very relevant to the target market and young ladies similar to their age. From the lyrics to this song their music video is going to be very ‘up beat’ and exciting compared to the song. 

As I have previously posted information and research about a former girl group ‘girls allowed’ they have given in inspiration and ideas on how I want my video to be. Their conventions have inspired me from the first shot to the last. The opening shot from the girls allowed video was very interesting because it first establishes the setting and also it establishes the group, because they are all standing together in a equal line. 
this is a screen shot from the one of the girls allowed videos called sound of the underground

We also know that they are in a group because they are all wearing the same colours (pink & black) this shows that they equal and that one person doesn’t have a leadership or higher role than another. 

What equipment do I want to use in my video?

I want to stick with the typical conventions of the music video but I also want to challenge it in some ways. I am going to stick to the conventions by keeping the typical fan’s and hair blowing on the microphone.  

I also want the special ‘sello-et’ lighting and the artist to be standing in front of the light to give the special effects.

I also want the artists to be wearing the same colours in some of the shots to keep the conventions of a female music video.

I also want shots of a light bulb either flashing or moving around in the background to give a greater effect or shadows in the video. 

If it is possible for the group for do a little dancing inside the video it would also help the group and it will entertain the fans to copy the dance moves.

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