Monday 22 November 2010

...... Evidence of shooting ....

Evidence of shooting

We have started filming the video of crystal Blaque and the planning and work that we previously done it all coming in handy now. The time and effort we have spend into drawing the story boards it makes the timing and organisation of this video so much easier.
We have taken some pictures of evidence of our filming.

This was one of our crane shots that we used. This piece of equipment is very expensive as only professionals use this.

the dark background highlights the importantance of the subject in the spot light.

One of our advance editors jigar fixing and improving the shoots that we previously taken.

This was one example of our long shot of one of the members of the group.

This is jigar in the music studio filming the 1st part of the instrumental.

Jigar is fixing of the the cannon cameras that we used to film the first part of the sequence. this was filmed in the music studio in a sound proof padded room.

we also used a portable green screen to allow us to put different backgrounds on different settings.


we have to get the correct white balance in the shot to get all the colours right. If we get the white balance wrong the camera will pick up different colours and it might start showing different colours on the screen.

Friday 12 November 2010

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..... The chagnges the group have made ....

What changes has the crystal group made?

Crystal black has many changes in the choreographing of their video. I have felt that this production group of mines have made them think more deeply about their actual music career. They first made a original track which the quality wasn’t so good because of the levels but I have found that they are all very willing and open to criticism when necessary.